セミナー > 物理化学系セミナー
日 時平成26年10月24日(金) 14:40-16:00
場 所理学部 B501講義室 (広島大学 東広島キャンパス)
演 題 Electronic Spectroscopy and Dynamics of Cold Protonated Aromatic Molecules
講 師Christophe Jouvet 教授
(Aix-Marseille Universite,エクス=マルセイユ大学)
概 要 The excited state dynamics of protonated amino acids is quite complex and very rich: many fragmentation channels, reaction dynamics occurring on more than 10 orders of magnitude from femtoseconds to seconds. The electronic spectroscopy in a large spectral domain brings new information on this complex behavior. The comparison with simple aromatic amines (aniline, benzylamine, benzylethylamine, tyramine…) is also bringing a new insight into the fragmentation mechanism.
問合先構造物理化学研究グループ 井口佳哉, 江幡孝之
TEL: 082-424-7407