セミナー > 物理化学系セミナー
日 時平成25年8月26日(月) 13:30-15:00
場 所理学部 B501講義室 (広島大学 東広島キャンパス)
演 題 Geometric and Electronic Structure of Silicon- and Carbon-Containing Aggregates
講 師Otto Dopfer 教授
(Technische Universitat Berlin,ベルリン工科大学)
概 要 Vibrational and electronic spectroscopy is applied to clusters and cluster ions cooled in molecular beams and cryogenic ion traps to elucidate their vibrational and electronic structure. We present recent applications to silicon and carbon bearing aggregates with relevance to materials science, astrochemistry, and chemical bonding.
1) Nanodiamond and their derivatives having sp3 form of carbons
2) Silanes and their derivatives, oligomers, polymers and their ions
問合先構造物理化学研究グループ 江幡孝之
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